

Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, narcotics anonymous

This is it. Here you will find people who fellow 12 Steppers (or should we say, 13 Steppers) who are either looking for a friend or maybe something a little bit more.

Please use your Heads!!! You know what I mean. Please be sincere when responding to fellow members. Remember...It's a small world and Karma knows you by name. Enough said...have fun.

Look for 13stepn at the "12 Step Connection" & "Recovering Addicts" Chat room at Yahoo. In Society and Culture :: User Rooms.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, narcotics anonymous

Name: John S.
Sex: Male
Recovery Date: 7/10/94
Place of Residence: Norwich CT
Program of Choice: AA

All I've been doing the past three years is working and going to meetings.It's time,I think to enjoy sobriety,and a lady to share it with would certainly be a step in the right direction. A meeting is not,I think,the appropriate place to look for a date,and my old haunts are really off limits,so... I don't know what to say here. So I'll stop.
John S.

Melanie Barbee
Kent WA.

I would like a penpal to e-mail to now and then. I want a Female with some recovery time. It was hard in the first years of my recovery I lost 4 sponsors to relapse. I really would like to create a friendship that would be long lasting. I am married and have 2 children a son 13 and a doughter 8. My husband and I both went to treatment together and have 4 years and 4 months. I have this computer and unlimeted online access so lets do something good with it. Thanks MEL.

Your website was the first I noticed while surfing for AA/NA information. I have definitely experienced this step (13) more than I care to remember. I once spoke up in a group inventory meeting to address this issue, and I was shamed by an "old timer". What a joke!

I am not writing to have you print my experiences, but possibly in thefuture I may wish to. I am searching for something more in-depth in terms of an on-line meeting, or just someone to type to.

Thanks for your help. Please write back and tell me how your day is.

Mada Prince

Steve O.
Sex "Love It" oh my sex ----Male
Soberity date relasped-------1-18-97------we never recover----just live
From and Live in Indiana
Thanks to AA I now not only don't drink and drug I "live life on lifes terms"

Calli 27/F
Clean Date 3/16/97
I live in East Texas.."yeall know where that is???"
Primary Recovery: NA

I'm ready to have a special friendship with a special person, I have two beautiful young children...(if you don't like children..please don't write to me) I'm looking for someone to develop a special friendship with...not sure yet about relationships in recovery...I'm not even sure if thats what I'm looking for. dealing with this new way of life is definetley a learning experience...I'm still learning from the past today... and hope that I won't make AS MANY mistakes in the future. If you think you'd like to contact me...please do at:

I have been clean and sober for ten months now. I have done my 12-steps with the patience and help of my sponsor. We are currently working on the 12-traditions. Without understanding the 12-traditions we have no
fellowship. To 13-step someone is a selfish act, but being the addicts that we are 13-stepping is an easy thing to do. When we are new in sobriety we are exceptionally vulnerable. Switching addictions is our m.o. switching to the gratification of another human being is easy. But once we grow in sobriety we will learn the difference between healthy relationships, or mere addiction. Clean and sober people are some of the kindess people I have ever met, so I would have to say that it is only natural to want to love someone who shares the same road to recovery and who understands your experiences, strenghths and hopes.

God Bless You All : - )

P.S. Jennifer, you really need to lighten up. Stop being a perfectionist. Its okay not to have a perfect web-site. If any of us have any brain cells left we can understand what we read from this site. Put the FUN back in dysFUNctional babe:-)
Sincerely-Cynthia (not Cecelia)

Mary M

Recovery date: May 2, 1984
Winterport, Maine
Primary program: AA

I do have a 13th step story with a happy ending. At 3 months of sobriety I was 13th stepped by a man who had just moved to the area and had 12 years of sobriety...of course, I had no idea what 13th steppin was even tho my sponsor had explained it...i was still clearing up and so grateful I had found AA...or that my Higher Power had led me to AA. Anyhow, he held me hostage for two months in a small camp in Northern Maine but thank God for my character defects of stubborness and defiance because he started to tell me what to do and I was out of there...smiles! I stayed sober through the grace of God, my sponsor's loving support and going to meetings until I was clear enough to know a little of what was going on. There are disaster stories too about 13th stepping. I am so blessed in my life today and encourage anyone who is new to keep coming to meetings and reaching out...the miracles do happen! God doesn't make junk! love you all!!

Hello, fellowship members. I'm Kelvin N. and I'm a male, 27-year-old alcoholic living in Lexington Park, Maryland. My recovery date is March 9, 1997 and my primary recovery program is Alcoholics Anonymous.
You can e-mail me at :

Here's where I am today: I've been inthe program for three months and some great things are happening. I used to be a jerk at times and treated some people with no sense of generosity or graciousness. Now I've turned that around thanks to God's help and turning my will and my life over to His care. Now, the only resentmens I have seem to be how come others around me don't notice I've changed for the better? Deep down, I know this is still just a selfish need for acceptance, but I'm having great trouble letting this anxiety go. Can you help?

Take care,


I am a white male 22 years of age, and reside in Houston Texas.
My name isMark and my recovery date is 7/9/97 I had a total of 9 months sobriety when i slipped I understand that my life depends upon strict adherence to the program, and my outreach is to all that i may assist, and therefore can assist me in recovery and i look foreward to your reply.
p.s. any info. that you may have pertaining to online meetings or recovery programs is deffinately welcome.

John D.
Rec. Date: June 10, 1997
Home: Indiana
Rec. Program: AA
Well I would like to say that I am new to this program, and am happier than I thought possible! I used to live in the bottle and that was easy, life isn't so kind. What I am trying to say is that the program is teaching me how to live and how I can live on lifes terms and stay sober! I love it! I would like to talk to anyone who wishes more than anything to remain for life, a clean and sober individual. I know I haven't been in the program long, but I want it more than anything!
John D.

Howdy y'all,

Yup you guessed it... I'm 36 year old alcoholic from central Texas and will (by God's grace) be celebrating my forth year of sobriety on the 14th of September. I've been making lots of meetings and have had the opportunity to get to know myself. So I feel that it's time to start dating and getting to know some female friends. Someone else said it in a previous letter that meetings aren't the place to try and pick up girls, and I believe that. This however seems to be a good way to at least pen-pal with someone of the opposite sex. My e-mail is , and I will return all letters.



Well I really don't know the date but it has been almost 5 years


I didn't have one I got through it a day at a time with the help of my uncle who is also my best friend.

This is an excellent idea. You can remain completely anonymous and still share your experience. I tried alanon and aa and found that I couldn't tell people like that I went to a psychologist and that didn't even help!

Thanks for this,


Let's Please Continue...

Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonyumous, 12 Step Programs, 12 Steps, Recovery Programs, AA, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, NA, alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous

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Site Created and Managed by: Daniel M.

Thanks again to all of you at the "CyberLive," for all the technical help, great coffee, and most of all...The great fellowship. You've been great!!!