Date/Personal's "Special Form"

As you can see...I have removed the "Special Response Form." The damn thing just doesn't do what I need it to do. It looks like it will be a wile before there is a proper form here.

SO..the best thing to do at this point is to submit your "input" directly through Email. (this makes it much easier to post later)

Please try and give us the following information:

  1. Name:
  2. Sex:
  3. Email:
  4. Recovery Date:
  5. Where ya live:
  6. Primary Recovery Program:
  7. And of course...what you want to say:

Email Us at... 13 Date

Thank You for your understanding (in this simple but controling matter). If for some reason, you do not understand, CALL YOUR DAMN SPONSOR!!!



Step of the Month

Response Form

Site Created and Managed by: Daniel M.

Thanks again to all of you at the "CyberLive," for all the technical help, great coffee, and most of all...The great fellowship. You've been great!!!