Step of the Month

Welcome to, The Step of the Month. Were so glad your here! It shows your interest in recovery. Now we know you like to have fun, we all do, it's why were here. For us...recovery is where it's at. Even for us at 13 Step'N. That's why were bringing you, "The Step of the Month."

What I am doing is this...I am putting this out to the group. I feel led to have you, the 12 Steppers, have the Major Role in this very important part of this site.

Here's where were at...There are 12 Months in a year, and 12 Steps of Recovery. Presently it's August, therefore we are at Step 8.

There are only a few simple guide lines.

Send in your Step in either a .txt, .doc, or HTML format, and I'll post it up here for the whole world to see.

Were taking this very seriously. We believe that everybody who walks a 12 Step Path will just love this section of our site. So, check back with us'll be glad you did.

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Site Created and Managed by: Daniel M.

Thanks again to all of you at the "CyberLive," for all the technical help, great coffee, and most of all...The great fellowship. You've been great!!!